First run in over 5 years

Yep, you read that right. It's been 5 years since I donned the trainers and went out for an intentional run. I've put trainers on to wander down to the shops and do a bit of gardening but actually have a pair of running shoes, put them on and run up the road? Long time. I'm ...


Happy Sunday all!

I'm sitting here with my third cup of tea writing the coming week's to do list. I usually have two lists, one for the week and one for the weekend, and the weekly one is split into work and personal tasks. There was a time I'd get upset if I couldn't complete everything on every list, now I'm a bit more mature and relaxed and split the list into priorities. It won't hurt if washing the inside door mat is bumped ...


Meet Baldrick, the newest family member

Yes, we have another cat!Baldrick is about 18 months old and turned up in our garden mid-August and stayed. With the help of a cat charity we made contact with his original owners, who confirmed they didn't want him any more. I lost the battle with the naming. I wanted Logan. ...


Life bulldozed me a tad

Sorry I haven't been back here for while.I got a serious case of the blahs in April. Then I took action to get myself out of the blahs and slid into a new, much more highly paid job when a colleague left. Then just when things were looking good my mum was diagnosed with terminal cancer in Mid-July and died August Bank Holiday weekend. She had a dormant cancer, where a few rogue cells from her 'cured' tumour ...


Inside I'm screaming

So, I'm getting close to fever pitch at the moment. I always thought I'd thrive if I was put into a situation where I couldn't go anywhere, as long as I had my books. Well I have my books - and much more besides - and I'm not ok. I didn't realise how much I needed useful revenue-generating ...


I've been furloughed!

Completely out of the blue. Along with 22 other colleagues, we have been put on two months furlough. The government is offering to reimburse 80% of our salary's under its new job retention scheme and luckily our firm has agreed to make up the other 20% so I'm on full salary. ...


Quiet days

I'm getting into a daily rhythm with the social distancing. DH's alarm goes off at 5am, he gets up, I go back to sleep. The lighter mornings wake me up around 6:30am but I won't get up until after 7am. I like the initial morning doze in the warm. Once I'm up the cats are let ...


Stretching our food supplies

With everything going on, I've been thinking about the best way to use my food supplies to ensure I can stretch it across the longest time possible and still keep our food interesting. My intention is to make our food last out as long as we can to allow others who have ...


keep calm and carry on

So, with all the Coronavirus recommendations (including the new ones that came out this afternoon) it looks like we're practising social isolation and distancing. For introverts like us three (five if you count the cats) I'm hoping it won't be too tough. In fact the only social ...


Windy havoc

Are you as fed up with this wind and rain as I am? Every day the wind has been howling and the rain lashing down, and it's causing all sorts of mischief.  On Sunday Todd the horse was in the paddock for the last day of his spring visit, and got spooked by wind. ...


Thank goodness for yellow stickers

Yellow sticker food bargains have played a significant role in our efforts to save more and retire early. Week in, week out I’ve snuffled the aisles of every shop with food I go into, even though pickings have been pretty slim lately due to my schedule, looking for things that ...


Getting back into the serious frugal groove

**** Before I start this post, Brisbane Susan has mentioned that she cannot see any comments (is that right Susan?), although she can leave them. I'm not sure why this would be, as all the correct settings are turned on from my end. It may be something to do with your browser ...


My newest friend

Everyone, meet Todd. Todd, meet everyone. No, don't worry, I've not gone and bought a horse, I've borrowed one from my neighbour across the road. He's eaten all the grass in his paddock over there and I offered to let him graze our paddock down for a few weeks. Anything to ...


Nearly, but not quite

So, I didn't quite make it. I managed to make it through Viking Britain but by 10:30pm last night I still had 300 pages of Volume 3 of War and Peace to go. It would have taken me another 3-4 hours to complete so I decided to call it a day and read the rest over the next couple ...


Day 7 and the final push

Well, the stack of read books has got higher. Just to recap, the '7 books in 7 days challenge' started last Tuesday and ends at midnight tonight, during which time I have to complete seven books. At the time of my last update I had completed three books and was about to start ...

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