Not biting off more than you can chew

There are two types of smallholding tasks, the usual maintenance stuff that keeps us ticking over and the more ambitious stuff that grows the holding and our skill base. Lately, there's been a lot of the former, unsurprisingly. Spring is on the way. Most of the tasks we've ...


The wool is back!

It's taken an age to get to this stage but finally here it is. My first wool! Processed, spun and into 100g double knitting balls. Two fleeces produced just a shade under 2kg of wool. And it cost half of what it would have done had I not spent an age washing it and picking out ...


Hugo gets a haircut

Hugo is my money tree, also know as a jade plant (crassula ovata), and is around 20 years old. He has been living in the utility room since we moved in and fairly neglected, as can be seen from the shocking number of pendulous branches. He gets a water every now and then, ...


It's cold round here!

Shiver, shiver, shiver. Quite a difference in the UK to the lovely weather I was enjoying just over a week ago in Australia! Sorry it's taken so long to get back here to post. It's taken me that long to get past the jet-lag and not fall asleep every time I sat down. My brain ...

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