Satisfying finds

Since we've moved up here, my yellow sticker snufflings have taken a bit of a beating. Previously there were several different places I could go to find yellow stickered items on the way home from work. My freezer always had interesting cheap stuff in it. Now I work from home, ...


Investing in your home

 Reading all about Rhonda's remodelling efforts over at Down to Earth made me realise I very rarely talk about the things we're doing here to upgrade the house. There's always something being done. I've seen relatives lose tens of thousands of pounds when selling their ...


Rendering lard

Right, after my last post I feel a bit guilty about claiming I have nothing to blog about. All this contentedness has made me a teeny bit lazy (as well as put on 5lb but that's another story!). There was a time when I used blogging as my diary, and have frequently referred to ...


It won't have escaped your notice...

...but I'm not blogging much lately. I don't know why, but ever since we've moved to this place I've found it harder and harder to keep going with the blogging. In the old house, we seemed to have untold obstacles which required frugality to resolve and I could blog about that. Since we've moved to this place, we haven't had nearly as many obstacles and I find myself running out of things to say. We're going through ...

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