A fresh start

When I started blogging back in 2007 on my old typepad blog, it was a far off dream to own a smallholding where I could raise a few animals and my husband could rebuild his classic cars (the other love of his life!). In July 2016, we achieved that dream through frugality, money-saving and sheer hard work. For us, the sacrifices we made over the 11 years were worth the struggles. 

I decided to start a new website to celebrate this new chapter in our lives and chart our progress towards a new set of goals. We have turned our attention to retiring early so we can enjoy more time together than our full-time jobs and side hustles currently allow.

Like the old blog, this new one will encompass a wide range of topics, including frugality, money-saving, budgeting, investing, personal development, crafting, make do and mend, smallholding skills, growing fruit and veg, raising animals, and retirement planning.

At the same time we intend to live a little more - the last few years at the old house we were so consumed with money-saving we rarely took time out for ourselves. Now we have my 84-year old mother-in-law living with us, taking regular breaks will be paramount to maintaining our health and wellbeing. 

Always on a budget though!

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