Using more of your brain

Over the last few months I’ve become quite interested in age-proofing my brain. There's no point living longer if your body marches forward and your brain doesn't keep up. I came across something called the 10% idea, which suggests we only use 10% of our brain ...


When can we stop working?

It might seem a little early for a 45-year old to be blogging about retirement, however, this 45-year old has a husband who is 12 years older than her.  When there's a big age gap and one spouse is running up to the big 6-0, retirement planning is not easy to manage. Up ...


A fresh start

When I started blogging back in 2007 on my old typepad blog, it was a far off dream to own a smallholding where I could raise a few animals and my husband could rebuild his classic cars (the other love of his life!). In July 2016, we achieved that dream through frugality, ...

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