Quiet days

I'm getting into a daily rhythm with the social distancing. DH's alarm goes off at 5am, he gets up, I go back to sleep. The lighter mornings wake me up around 6:30am but I won't get up until after 7am. I like the initial morning doze in the warm. Once I'm up the cats are let ...


Stretching our food supplies

With everything going on, I've been thinking about the best way to use my food supplies to ensure I can stretch it across the longest time possible and still keep our food interesting. My intention is to make our food last out as long as we can to allow others who have ...


keep calm and carry on

So, with all the Coronavirus recommendations (including the new ones that came out this afternoon) it looks like we're practising social isolation and distancing. For introverts like us three (five if you count the cats) I'm hoping it won't be too tough. In fact the only social ...

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