Nearly, but not quite

So, I didn't quite make it. I managed to make it through Viking Britain but by 10:30pm last night I still had 300 pages of Volume 3 of War and Peace to go. It would have taken me another 3-4 hours to complete so I decided to call it a day and read the rest over the next couple ...


Day 7 and the final push

Well, the stack of read books has got higher. Just to recap, the '7 books in 7 days challenge' started last Tuesday and ends at midnight tonight, during which time I have to complete seven books. At the time of my last update I had completed three books and was about to start ...


Book 2 and 3 done, onto book 4

The last couple of days have been very interesting for me. I've read The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak and The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood. Before I started reading I had already formed an impression of both books over the years since they were released. I have been shown ...


A New Year 7-day challenge

Happy New Year everyone...and Happy New Decade too. It was a very relaxing Christmas...no-one to entertain so much laying around watching box sets and drinking mulled wine. I love the stuff. I must be the only person I know who actually uses those little sachets of mulled ...

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