A lesson in how not to stockpile

While cleaning out the hot drinks cupboard recently I was shocked to discover that my penny-pinching ways had come to bite me on the bum. For some reason, I had a number of packets of tea leaves, some bought from yellow-sticker sections, and all were expired. One was dated 2015. ...


For The Fallen

"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them." Robert Laurence Binyon (1869-1943 ...


A mixed week

Goodness me, we've had some horrible days weatherwise here (not as bad as further north of England though). I've woken up a few times in the night this week to hear the rain lashing down and one night I ended up putting my heated blanket on at 4am I was that cold! We have an ...


Morning all!

So, I'm back. I'm feeling stronger, a lot wiser and ready to post again with some semblance of regularity. I'm still pretty tired, but that comes and goes in waves and I'm more relaxed than I have been in years. First order of the day - Fleagle. We're very sad that she is gone ...

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