31 No Spend Days

About a month ago I decided to stop spending money on anything that wasn't absolutely essential. The holiday and solar panels had depleted the old coffers so I thought a bit of a money diet for March would be a good way to kick off the process of building them back up again. For 31 days I put my head down and focused on making do with what we had. I didn't need any clothes, books, magazines or bric-a-brac so charity ...


Closing the loops thanks to The Happiness Project

While I was away, I found an interesting book in a charity shop called The Happiness Project, by Gretchen Rubin. It appears that this was quite a big thing when it came out back in 2009 but as I don't tend to read newspapers, go on social media, watch TV much or listen to the radio I completely missed it. I completely miss most things but I work on the basis that if they are important to me I will find out about them ...


Committing to better health

My last post talked about my recent epiphany about commitment, specifically my lack of it with regards to smallholding. Realising I was coasting with one foot in our life here was disappointing; I always thought I was braver than that. Sadly, as I expanded my reflection I saw this lack of commitment in almost every area of my life, most notably my physical strength. In the New Year I realised smallholding ...


Making that commitment

I underwent a lot of quiet reflection during our holiday. We've been here for two years and during this time we have not made any major changes to the smallholding. The plans we had before we moved here revolved around making us as self-reliant as possible by growing our ...

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