Early snuffles for Christmas!

As a bit of a treat, Martin and I went on Saturday morning to a nearby local town and had a good snuffle through the charity shops. We do this every now and then. It's a nice morning out, gives us a bit of exercise and we mooch around somewhere we haven't been before. I'd sorted ...


An active mind, body and spirit during autumn and winter

As the light has faded and the temperature dipped over the last couple of weeks, I've found myself preparing to nest. Autumn is always a complex time for me, as I get Seasonal Affective Disorder and it starts to kick in around the clocks changing. I've found myself yawning and craving naps during the day, dragging myself to bed earlier, and sleeping much later in the mornings. I've been craving caffeine and sugar (and ...


Clothing snuffles

I haven't done a post about snuffles lately, but over the last 2-3 months I've found some lovely bargains.  I check out the charity shops in my local town (approximately 10) every 1-2 weeks. Once a week I also work from a hotel in a market town about 30 minutes away. It ...


“What Would You Do If You Got Given £1 Million?”

That's the thought question posed by SavingNinja in the first of a series of Thought Experiments.  A few other bloggers have taken part so far, including: Ms ZiYou theFIREstarter Quietly Saving in-deed-a-bly EarlyRetirement Dr Fire "What would you do if right at this very instant you got given 1 million great British pounds? This could be from a lottery win, an IPO, a scratch card, you name it. No ...


Is FIRE possible for us average Joes?

There’s been a lot of kerfuffle in the press lately about FIRE (Financial Independence and Retire Early). It seems that some FIRE advocates have either been writing about or been sourced for comment about it and it's caused a big fuss. The newspapers, typically, have published articles based on the far extreme of FIRE and suggested that it is possible for us all to retire at 30/40 financially independent and never ...


Clearing the clutter and raising money

With so many things we want to do over the next four months I've realised I really have to knuckle down and focus on raising extra funds. Even though we have savings, I hate dipping into them. They're our security. I've been doing some thinking lately. There's a lot of stuff I'm hanging on to hoping to one day have the time to do something with them. The sad reality is that even if I did have the time my life has moved ...


Filthy weather calls for soup - and stock

I got a slightly anguished text from DH earlier: "Nuts! It's wet out here!" It has been howling a gale today but, as ever, the mail must be delivered and DH delivers it come rain or shine. My offer of setting up a 'soup station' upon his return was met by an enthusiastic reply: "SOUP! ...

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