A dream without a plan is just a wish

When I first decided in 2005 I wanted a smallholding, I had a tendency to view my dream through rose-tinted glasses. Everyone does to some extent, whatever the dream happens to be, because until you start living your dream you can only approximate what your life will be like ...


Spring cleaning the bathroom

Ok, so the utility room and porch are done. It's the best I can do at the moment because the utility room really needs a complete overhaul and be redesigned with proper storage units and a sink, but that will have to wait for a later date. Anyway, it looks so much better ...


Looking after the woodwork

Spring cleaning inside had to take a bit of a back seat over the last week because the UK has actually had some good weather! We are about a month behind in the garden and I had all but given up on the chance of getting anything done out there until I took some annual leave ...


Simple vs frugal

Homemade pizza I've been a frugal soul since I was old enough to focus my eyes, first with my parents through their passion for car boot sales, charity shops and junk shops, and latterly when I was single and living alone. Then I met Martin and pulled him into it too so now ...


Always double check!

I was so close to finishing the kitchen spring cleaning when disaster! I absent-mindedly put the wrong cleaner in the dishwasher and ended up with foam all over the place. Thankfully, after scooping out the worst of the foam, cleaning the sensor and then running a rinse cycle ...


Spring cleaning

Of all the household tasks in the year, one of my favourites is spring cleaning. Don't ask me why. Normally I don't particularly like cleaning, so I tend to do as little as I can get away with on a weekly basis combined with sudden binges on specific bits when the mood takes ...

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