Came and went in a flash

Georgie's ashes came back. I was expecting the usual plastic tub with ashes in a plastic bag and instead we got this. How lovely. Bit of choker. We were both dabbing our eyes and clearing our throats when we saw that. The Victoria plum tree has ripened a bit too quick for my ...


Mid-year financial review

I took two half days off work this week to tackle our finances. A lot of things have happened at once and I needed some solid time to review and organise things.SavingsI've been trying to find places for our savings with good interest rates now our Coventry Building Society Regular Savers have matured. To compound this, I received a letter from Tesco letting me know they are ditching their current accounts in November. ...


Mum is finally settled

So on Sunday Martin and I joined my sister and nephew to scatter the rest of my mother's ashes in a small welsh village where she grew up. It was the anniversary of her death and we'd already had a partial scattering on her birthday in June at a church near Thame that she and my ...


She's been persuaded

Yes, it finally happened. I finally accepted that we had to update our daily car to a more modern car. I think we felt the earth shift on its axis when I ‘gave in’ 😂 Early on in our marriage I identified cars as a significant money drain and impediment to retiring early, and ...


Goodbye darling Georgie

Monday was a bad day. We took Georgie to the vet as he seemed to be a bit unwell last Tuesday and Wednesday, off his food and drinking a lot of water. He seemed to recover Thursday and Friday, ate a whole deli chicken (!), two cans of tuna and a a couple of cans of cat food, and ...


Glad that’s over

I'm seeing the dawn in this morning while writing this. I had an allergy attack in the night and finally gave up on sleep at 4:30am. I thought I'd tiptoe around, make a cup of tea and start my day quietly but the cats had other ideas. They started howling about two minutes after ...


Knitting to Downton Abbey

 I wanted to finish off the jumper I started knitting last year after mum died and was searching for something to have on in the background that I could peer over my needles at. I find period dramas are great for that kind of thing. Modern programming has too much going on ...

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