It's cold round here!

Shiver, shiver, shiver. Quite a difference in the UK to the lovely weather I was enjoying just over a week ago in Australia!

Sorry it's taken so long to get back here to post. It's taken me that long to get past the jet-lag and not fall asleep every time I sat down. My brain couldn't put sentences together properly so any post I made would have been hopeless (more than usual anyway!

So, yes, we're back. It was wonderful. We spent time catching up with friends, snorkelled reefs, stroked kangaroos, cuddled koalas, fed big crocodiles with poles, went fishing, walked rainforests, rode steam trains, ate tons of seafood and ice-creams, and drank smoothies. Lots and lots of smoothies.

And we relaxed. It's been so long since I had a proper holiday I hadn't realised how anxious and stressed I actually was. Work and worry has been a part of my life for so long I had forgotten how to relax. I had lost that frame of reference and it took until the third week of the holiday for me to find it again.

The other good side effect is that all the long days of sun has topped up my vitamin D levels to such an extent I have come back raring to get going. I am champing at the bit. I want to plan and organise and tidy and just get things going! 

It's nearly Spring y'all. Woop woop!

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