A lesson in how not to stockpile

While cleaning out the hot drinks cupboard recently I was shocked to discover that my penny-pinching ways had come to bite me on the bum.

For some reason, I had a number of packets of tea leaves, some bought from yellow-sticker sections, and all were expired. One was dated 2015. 😱 And yet every cup of tea I drink is made from a teabag.

I'm loathe to throw anything away, especially when it is stored in unopened foil fresh containers. The Cath Kidston tin of Darjeeling was a present, one box was pure Assam and the third box was standard black tea. There was also a tin with about half a pack of normal tea, which had actually gone stale and tasted a bit odd.

It's not penny-pinching if you don't use it so I took the bull by the horns and decanted the whole lot into one big food bag and gave it a good shake to mix it. Then I made up a pot in my little ladybug teapot and sat down for a taste test.

It's lovely. Phew. Situation saved.

I now have 1lb 4 oz of tea leaves to make my way through before I touch another tea bag.


  1. It's so easy to pop things in cupboards, they find their way to the back and become out of date. I would have done the same as you and use them. We try and keep our store cupboard down with less items, and only things we use weekly. With a treat item now and then.

  2. Super. Most things like tea, vinegars, chutneys, tinned things last for years beyond suggested expiry date. it's not as though tea can be dangerous if old. I recently used up some 10 year old tea and chutney. all helps avoid food waste...


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